Jersey 2.25.1 User Guide

时间:2021-11-14 02:45:41
文件名称:Jersey 2.25.1 User Guide
更新时间:2021-11-14 02:45:41
Jersey Official Jersey 2.25.1 User Guide. This is user guide for Jersey 2.25.1. We are trying to keep it up to date as we add new features. When reading the user guide, please consult also our Jersey API documentation [ jersey/index.html] as an additional source of information about Jersey features and API. If you would like to contribute to the guide or have questions on things not covered in our docs, please contact us []. Similarly, in case you spot any errors in the Jersey documentation, please report them by filing a new issue in our Jersey JIRA Issue Tracker [] under docs component. Please make sure to specify the version of the Jersey User Guide where the error has been spotted by selecting the proper value for the Affected Version field.
