Multi-Threaded Game Engine Design 不看勿下!

时间:2014-01-03 05:11:35

文件名称:Multi-Threaded Game Engine Design 不看勿下!



更新时间:2014-01-03 05:11:35

GAME Design

有下载强迫症的同学们就不要下了,下了不看,占用网络带宽,占用硬盘,不绿色不环保! Today’s modern processors come with multiple cores, each of which runs independently to run programs and significantly increase the throughput compared to a single-core processor. The clock speed is no longer the most important factor, because a quad-core processor will outperform most dual-core processors even if there is a clock speed discrepancy. The purpose of this book is not to teach game engine development in depth, but to teach multi-threading in the context of Direct3D rendering. While we do build a decent Direct3D-based game engine with most of the modern conven- iences one would expect, the goal is not to try to build a commercial game engine. The engine architecture is simple, with one library project consisting of a class for each component and limited inheritance. I believe that complex designs lead to expensive code (that is, code that consumes more processor cycles than necessary). While a professional engine might have an interface for each module (input, networking, rendering, etc.), with each implemented as a DLL, we only need a single engine project that compiles to a static library.


  • 不错的资源~先收藏了
  • 不错的资源~先收藏了
  • 好书给个赞哈
  • 主要讲的是游戏方面的多线程,非游戏的下了也没用
  • 推荐大家看看,对写引擎,优化引擎有很大的帮助,虽然书的已经出了好几年,但还是不错的。
  • 非常全面,主要讲的是游戏方面的多线程,非游戏的下了也没用
  • 对多线程通讯有了更进一步了解,很好
  • 不错的资源~对了..我就是那位同学
  • 多线程如何融入到游戏引擎的设计中,感觉没怎么讲!