Adolescent personality and school and college performance: A follow-up study

时间:2021-06-29 21:28:53
文件名称:Adolescent personality and school and college performance: A follow-up study
更新时间:2021-06-29 21:28:53
学术 论文 Adolescent personality and school and college performance: A follow-up study Student Achievement 28 i REYNOLDS, N. J . , & RISLEY, T. R. (1968). ROWBURY, T. G., BAER, A. M., & BAER, D. M. (1976). The role of social and material reinforcers in increasing talking of a disadvantaged preschool child. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, I , 253-262. Interactions between teacher guidance and con- tingent access to play in developing preacademic skills of deviant preschool children. Jou
