更新时间:2017-01-01 05:18:08
WSN 单一锚节点 移动定位
We proposed a localization algorithm named LSARSSI formobile node based on RSSI (received signal strength indicator) between locating sensor node with inertia module built-in and the single anchor. Instead of directly mapping RSSI values into physical distance, contrasting RSSI values received from anchor in different visited locations, LSARSSI utilizes the geometric relationship of perpendicular intersection to compute node positions. Given that the values of RSSI among two visited locations are equal, we regard that their distances to anchor node are equal. After obtaining several sets of such visited locations, the relative location of mobile node and anchor node can be calculated. Because of the limitations of LSARSSI, we put forward an improved algorithm named ILSARSSI. Our scheme uses only one location-known anchor which is useful in low density environment without using additional hardware.