apache kafka教程

时间:2015-12-13 04:43:42

文件名称:apache kafka教程



更新时间:2015-12-13 04:43:42

kafka pubsub Messenging 分布式 消息系统

Why we built this Kafka is a messaging system that was originally developed at LinkedIn to serve as the foundation for LinkedIn's activity stream and operational data processing pipeline. It is now used at a variety of different companies for various data pipeline and messaging uses. Activity stream data is a normal part of any website for reporting on usage of the site. Activity data is things like page views, information about what content was shown, searches, etc. This kind of thing is usually handled by logging the activity out to some kind of file and then periodically aggregating these files for analysis. Operational data is data about the performance of servers (CPU, IO usage, request times, service logs, etc) and a variety of different approaches to aggregating operational data are used. In recent years, activity and operational data has become a critical part of the production features of


  • 说实话。没怎么看懂。还是activeMQ适合我
  • 老师留的作业,不错
  • 就是把官网的东西拷贝过来了,没啥意义