Mathematica Symbolic Toolbox for MATLAB

时间:2015-10-19 03:11:49

文件名称:Mathematica Symbolic Toolbox for MATLAB



更新时间:2015-10-19 03:11:49

mathematica matlab toolbox

Using the MathLink communication standard supplied with Mathematica and the MEX facility of MATLAB we write a toolbox that provides MATLAB users with all of the symbolic and high-precision numeric capabilities of Mathematica. In addition, since MathLink can pass native MATLAB matrices (and not just strings) between Mathematica and MATLAB it is quick and easy to construct matrices in either system and pass them to the other. You can freely mix Mathematica code and MATLAB code without the bother of writing M-files to convert matrices into strings and back. The Mathematica Symbolic Toolbox for MATLAB is implemented as a single MEX-file and we have included the source code. Two important points: 1) The Mathematica Symbolic Toolbox for MATLAB works with newer (MLVERSION in mathlink.h >= 3) versions of Mathematica (I have not tested the new version on the Macintosh). This version has been tested to work with Mathematica 6.0 and Matlab R2007b. Instructions for mex'ing this file are given below. 2) Since MathLink connects programs on different computers just as easily as it connects programs on the same computer, you can harness the power of more than one computer. Simply run MATLAB on one computer, Mathematica on another; the Mathematica Symbolic Toolbox for MATLAB transparently connects the two. This capability is also especially helpful in schools and industrial sites where MATLAB and Mathematica might be licensed for different machines.

Installation instructions for windows.doc


  • 希望有用吧
  • 瞎弄的,不知道咋用
  • 下载了,就是暂时还不知道怎么弄呢。。。。不过还是要谢谢楼主的分享。
  • 不能直接使用,没解决问题啊。
  • 没有解决啊,还要编译,win7下不能编译
  • 很强大,但是我想要的是mac版本,所以这个还是没办法用
  • 装回了matlab7解决的。。。
  • 非常好 对我帮助很大
  • 瞎弄的,不知道咋用
  • 很遗憾,花了2分。本想用来解决matlab2009a 没有这个工具箱的问题,以为复制进去添加路径就可以用,结果不行,看里面的readme文件,发现还要编译,在win7编译不了,问题没有解决。重装一个版本的matlab就能解决,不建议下载啊
  • 顶一个,亲自测试过。稍微修改就可以用。
  • 我的还是没有解决
  • 并不是我想要的,但是还是谢谢楼主呀
  • 可惜还是没有我想要的