文件名称:Kafka Streams in Action v8 MEAP 高清
更新时间:2021-11-26 05:28:10
kafka 高清 pdf 实战 in
Kafka Streams in Action 高清文字版 非扫描版 PART 1: GETTING STARTED WITH KAFKA STREAMS 1 Welcome to Kafka Streams 2 Kafka Quickly PART 2: KAFKA STREAMS DEVELOPMENT 3 Developing Kafka Streams 4 Streams and State 5 The KTable API 6 The Processor API PART 3: ADMINISTERING KAFKA STREAMS 7 Monitoring and Performance 8 Testing a Kafka Streaming Application PART 4: ADVANCED CONCEPTS WITH KAFKA STREAMS 9 Advanced Applications with Kafka Streams APPENDIXES: A Additional Configuration Information B Exactly Once Semantics
Kafka Streams in Action v8 MEAP-高清.pdf