The Giant Black Book of Computer Viruses

时间:2013-11-29 12:36:59
文件名称:The Giant Black Book of Computer Viruses
更新时间:2013-11-29 12:36:59
计算机病毒 This book will simply and plainly teach you how to write computer viruses. It is not one of those all too common books that decry viruses and call for secrecy about the technology they employ, while curiously giving you just enough technical details about viruses so you don’t feel like you’ve been cheated. Rather, this book is technical and to the point. Here you will find complete sources for plug-and-play viruses, as well as enough technical knowledge to become a proficient cutting-edge virus programmer or anti-virus programmer.


  • 好书,就是比较难看啊
  • 很好的讨论计算机病毒的书籍,值得下载。
  • 这本书不错。需要有汇编基础。不过成为高手的前提是,你对计算机系统很了解,不懂汇编不行。