web mining and social networking techniques and applications

时间:2014-01-18 14:43:38
文件名称:web mining and social networking techniques and applications
更新时间:2014-01-18 14:43:38
web mining 网络挖掘 社交网络技术 This book examines the techniques and applications involved in the Web Mining, Web Personalization and Recommendation and Web Community Analysis domains, including a detailed presentation of the principles, developed algorithms, and systems of the research in these areas. The applications of web mining, and the issue of how to incorporate web mining into web personalization and recommendation systems are also reviewed. Additionally, the volume explores web community mining and analysis to find the structural, organizational and temporal developments of web communities and reveal the societal sense of individuals or communities. The volume will benefit both academic and industry communities interested in the techniques and applications of web search, web data management, web mining and web knowledge discovery, as well as web community and social network analysis.


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  • 不错的书籍,就是讲得浅显了一点。
  • 好书,有理论有实践,学习
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  • web挖掘方面很不错的书籍,值得下载和收藏。
  • 书里的两个内容都是当前最热门的研究方向,很适合计算机、数学等领域的研究生参考