文件名称:TMS Cloud Pack v3.5.2.0 for D10.1 Berlin
更新时间:2019-09-05 07:37:29
TMS Cloud Pack Berlin
提倡共享精神,需要什么破解版的控件可以站内信PS我.大部分控件都能搞到. The TMS Cloud Pack contains components that offer integration with several cloud services. Services Google Places Google Tasks Google Calendar Google Contacts Google DataStore Google Sheets Google Drive Google Analytics Google Mail Google Search terms Google URL Shortener Google Maps address data Google Photos Picasa iCloud contacts iCloud calendar Apple CloudKit Microsoft Live Calendar Microsoft Live Contacts Microsoft Onedrive Outlook Calendar Outlook Contacts Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Trello Stripe PayPal YouTube FourSquare Flickr Instagram Box Pryv Amazon Cloud Drive HiDrive Hubic Owncloud PushOver Twilio Esendex BulkSMS TelAPI Barcodes4.Me Weather Underground CloudConvert myCloudData.net Exceptionless Service types Cloud PIM Google Places, Google Tasks, Google Calendar, Google Contacts, Windows Live Calendar, Windows Live Contacts, Outlook Calendar, Outlook Contacts, iCloud contacts, iCloud calendar, WebDAV, CardDAV, CalDAV Cloud storage Apple CloudKit, DropBox, Onedrive, Google DataStore, Google Sheets, Google Drive, Box, Pryv, Amazon, HiDrive, Hubic, myCloudData.net Cloud data binding TDataSet based data binding for CloudKit and Google DataStore Cloud image services Picasa, Flickr, Instagram GEO FourSquare, Google Maps address data Social media Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Trello Payment service PayPal, Stripe And much more YouTube API, Weather Underground, URL Shortener, PushOver, Twilio, Esendex, BulkSMS, TelAPI, CloudConvert, Barcodes4.Me, Google Analytics, Google Mail, Exceptionless v3.5.2.0 New : RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin Support Fixed : TAdvGContacts: Possible issue with retrieving Birthday date
TMS Cloud Pack v3.5.2.0 for DX10.1 Berlin