文件名称:AlphaControls v7.42 for D7
更新时间:2014-06-16 03:04:27
AlphaControls v7.42 D7
一看就知道,不多说,需要的朋友下吧 22.05.2011 AlphaControls v7.42 Beta released * In some edit controls was added a support of transparency (if not focused) * Improved painting of buttons backgrounds in spinedits * Many improvements in the TsListView items drawing * Hints may be drawn with using of borders only, if transparency is 100 * Headers of the TDBGridEh are not drawn with XP themes when skinned * Improved drawing of TsSpeedButton if ButtonStyle is tbsDropDown * New OnChanging event was renamed to OnPageChanging in the TsPageControl component * Improved painting and fixed some errors in the TsPageControl component * Fixed error in closing popup calendar if TsDateEdit is not visible * Added support of the HideSelection in the TsTreeView component * Improved drawing of main menu line * Solved some issues in MDI forms using + Added TsPageControl.TabPadding property + Added new "WEB" skin * A lot of minor improvements