更新时间:2021-11-29 08:51:02
ns2 蚁群
Antnet for NS2.34 Antnet implementation for ns2.34 based on the version for ns2.33 by Richardson Lima description available at http://antnetalgorithm.blogspot.com.br and http://antnet.wordpress.com Matthew Orlinski at orlinskm@cs.man.ac.uk and Richardson Lima at richardsonlimasurfjiujitsu@gmail.com with suggestions/improvements REMEMBER, YOU NEED GCC4.0 TO INSTALL NS2.34 * *********************************************** WARNING If you have made any alterations to your NS2.34 (e.g. installing newer protocols), installing with the below instructions MAY overright your changes. If you have made alterations and you still want to use this protocol. The changelog below should be helpful to you in getting Antnet into ns2.34 without destroying your additions. Instructions copy the files provided into NS2.34 directory as is. Run: ./configure make Finally, enjoy