更新时间:2012-08-20 09:55:37
osg opengl 样条曲线 hermite bezier
This sample teaches you how to create an OpenGL based Spline Drawing application using the MFC library. It shows how to setup 4 Control Points: 1. Start Point 2. End Point 3. Tangent Start Point 4. Tangent End Point User Interactions * Right click to load the on screen context menu. * Left click and drag to move the selected control point around and see its effect on the spline. * From the Spline menu, you can select the Type of Spline: Hermite, Cardinal or Bezier. * In the same menu you can change the Tension of the control points effect on the spline. * You can also select different control points between: Start/End points and Start/End Tangent points.