CVPR2019-Best paper final.rar

时间:2021-03-12 19:21:02
文件名称:CVPR2019-Best paper final.rar
更新时间:2021-03-12 19:21:02
CVPR 顶会论文 CVPR2019,best paper合集;CVPR2019,best paper合集;CVPR2019,best paper合集
CVPR2019-Best paper final
----GA-Net_ Guided Aggregation Net for End-To-End Stereo Matching.pdf(1.21MB)
----Learning the Depths of Moving People by Watching Frozen People.pdf(2.36MB)
----Learning to Compose Dynamic Tree Structures for Visual Contexts.pdf(2MB)
----A Style-Based Generator Architecture for Generative Adversarial Networks.pdf(7.08MB)
----DeepCO3_ Deep Instance Co-Segmentation by Co-Peak Search and Co-Saliency Detection.pdf(3.46MB)
----Neural Rerendering in the Wild.pdf(5.16MB)
----Pushing the Boundaries of View Extrapolation With Multiplane Images.pdf(3.67MB)
----SelFlow_ Self-Supervised Learning of Optical Flow.pdf(1.45MB)
----Taking a Deeper Look at the Inverse Compositional Algorithm.pdf(699KB)
----Deep Tree Learning for Zero-Shot Face Anti-Spoofing.pdf(1.44MB)
----Neural Illumination_ Lighting Prediction for Indoor Environments.pdf(8.48MB)
----Efficient Online Multi-Person 2D Pose Tracking With Recurrent Spatio-Temporal Affinity Fields.pdf(1.93MB)
----Locating Objects Without Bounding Boxes.pdf(844KB)
----CollaGAN_ Collaborative GAN for Missing Image Data Imputation.pdf(4.21MB)
----Unsupervised Part-Based Disentangling of Object Shape and Appearance.pdf(3.62MB)
----Revealing Scenes by Inverting Structure From Motion Reconstructions.pdf(5.7MB)
----A Skeleton-Bridged Deep Learning Approach for Generating Meshes of Complex Topologies From Single RGB Images.pdf(3.97MB)
----Geometry-Consistent Generative Adversarial Networks for One-Sided Unsupervised Domain Mapping.pdf(1.45MB)
----BubbleNets_ Learning to Select the Guidance Frame in Video Object Segmentation by Deep Sorting Frames.pdf(3.46MB)
----Reinforced Cross-Modal Matching and Self-Supervised Imitation Learning for Vision-Language Navigation.pdf(1.12MB)
----2.5D Visual Sound.pdf(3.33MB)
----Estimating 3D Motion and Forces of Person-Object Interactions From Monocular Video.pdf(1.11MB)
----DeepSDF_ Learning Continuous Signed Distance Functions for Shape Representation.pdf(1.5MB)
----SDRSAC_ Semidefinite-Based Randomized Approach for Robust Point Cloud Registration Without Correspondences.pdf(6.43MB)
----Path-Invariant Map Networks.pdf(4.99MB)
----Convolutional Mesh Regression for Single-Image Human Shape Reconstruction.pdf(4.62MB)
----Probabilistic Permutation Synchronization Using the Riemannian Structure of the Birkhoff Polytope.pdf(1.11MB)
----Image Deformation Meta-Networks for One-Shot Learning.pdf(3.84MB)
----Shifting More Attention to Video Salient Object Detection.pdf(3.28MB)
----SiCloPe_ Silhouette-Based Clothed People.pdf(2.09MB)
----Self-Supervised 3D Hand Pose Estimation Through Training by Fitting.pdf(797KB)
----Semantic Image Synthesis With Spatially-Adaptive Normalization.pdf(5.18MB)
----Neural RGB(r)D Sensing_ Depth and Uncertainty From a Video Camera.pdf(5.7MB)
----A General and Adaptive Robust Loss Function.pdf(927KB)
----Relational Action Forecasting.pdf(969KB)
----FilterReg_ Robust and Efficient Probabilistic Point-Set Registration Using Gaussian Filter and Twist Parameterization.pdf(825KB)
----Incremental Object Learning From Contiguous Views.pdf(10.18MB)
----Relation-Shape Convolutional Neural Network for Point Cloud Analysis.pdf(2.26MB)
----ContactDB_ Analyzing and Predicting Grasp Contact via Thermal Imaging.pdf(8.44MB)
----Content Authentication for Neural Imaging Pipelines_ End-To-End Optimization of Photo Provenance in Complex Distribution Channels.pdf(1.22MB)
----Occupancy Networks_ Learning 3D Reconstruction in Function Space.pdf(1MB)
----Shapes and Context_ In-The-Wild Image Synthesis & Manipulation.pdf(1.29MB)
----A Theory of Fermat Paths for Non-Line-Of-Sight Shape Reconstruction.pdf(4.3MB)
----Text2Scene_ Generating Compositional Scenes From Textual Descriptions.pdf(4.2MB)
----Cascaded Projection_ End-To-End Network Compression and Acceleration.pdf(1.16MB)
