复杂网络 SCI 论文集

时间:2023-02-21 12:44:17
文件名称:复杂网络 SCI 论文集
更新时间:2023-02-21 12:44:17
复杂网络 模型 复杂网络相关SCI论文,包括小世界模型、无标度模型、局域世界模型等,研究复杂网络、系统工程、社交网络等相关领域的可以参考借鉴
[Minyu Feng, Hong Qu] Evolving Scale-Free Networks by Poisson Process Modeling and Degree Distribution.pdf
[]Statistical mechanics of complex networks.pdf
Survivability-Aware Topology Evolution Model with Link and Node Deletion in Wireless Sensor Networks.pdf
Attack Vulnerability of Network Controllability.PDF
[DJ Watts,SH Strogatz] Collective dynamics of small world networks.pdf
Change point detection in Network models Preferential attachment and long range dependence.pdf
A Forward-connection Topology Evolution Model in Wireless sensor network.pdf
A Local-world Evolving Model for WSNs with the self-regulating attractiveness.pdf
Connectivity degrees in the threshold preferential attachment model.pdf
PDF poisson dynamics in fitness evolution model for wirelesssensor networks.pdf
A local-world heterogeneous model of wireless sensor networks with node and link diversity.pdf
Spatial and Temporal Behaviors in a Modified Evolution Model Based on Small World network.pdf
[M. E. J. Newman and D. J. Watts] Renormalization group analysis of the small-world network model.pdf
Energy-Aware Preferential Attachment Model for Wireless Sensor Networks with Improved Survivability.pdf
Random walk centrality for temporal networks.pdf
Error and attack tolerance of complex networks.pdf
Modeling for evolving biological networks with scale-free connectivity, hierarchical modularity, and disassortativity.pdf
The Diameter of a Scale-Free Random Graph.pdf
Application of modal analysis in assessing attack vulnerability of complex networks.pdf
Modeling and Dynamics Analysis of P2P Networks based on Evolutionary Games.pdf
Modeling and Dynamics Analysis of P2P Networks Based on Evolutionary Games..pdf
[Albert-L´aszl´o Barab´asi, R´eka Albert, Hawoong Jeong] Mean-field theory for scale-free randomnetworks.pdf
Structure of Growing Networks with Preferential Linking.pdf
Information propagation in hierarchical networks.pdf
Energy-Aware Topology Evolution Model with Link and Node Deletion in Wireless Sensor Networks.pdf
PDF poisson dynamics in fitness evolution mode.pdf
The evolution and planning of hierarchicaltransport networks.pdf
Attack vulnerability of complex networks.pdf
Improved clustering through heterogeneity in preferential attachment networks.pdf
Multiscale evolving complex network model of functional connectivity in neuronal cultures.pdf
A greedy model with small world for improving the robustness of heterogeneous Internet of Things.pdf
Power-law distributions in binned empirical data.pdf
[]Software engineering and scalefree networks.pdf
Spatial preferential attachment networks Power laws and clustering coefficients.pdf
[Albert-La´szlo´ Baraba´si and Re´ka Albert] Emergence of Scaling inRandom Networks.pdf
Problems with fitting tothe power-law distribution.pdf
Birth and death master equation for the evolution of complex networks.pdf
A Local World Evolving Model for Energy-Constrained Wireless Sensor Networks.pdf
Random networks with sublinear preferential attachment The giant component.pdf
Energy-Efficient Topology Evolution for Scale-free Wireless SensorNetworks.pdf
Topology evolution model for wireless multi-hop network based on socially inspired mechanism.pdf
A weighted local-world evolving network model with aging nodes.pdf
QoS Aware and Survivable Network Design for Planned Wireless Sensor Networks.pdf
Scale-free topology evolution for wireless sensor networks with reconstruction mechanism.pdf
[Ginestra Bianconi and Albert-L´aszl´o Barab´asi] Bose-Einstein condensation in complex networks.pdf
