更新时间:2021-12-19 11:21:33
清除垃圾资源 缩减包体积
# TKResourcesCleaner A Mac App to find unused images and resources in an XCode project. It is heavily influenced by jeffhodnett‘s [Unused](http://jeffhodnett.github.io/Unused/), but Unused is very slow, and the results are not entirely correct. So I made some performance optimization, the search speed is more faster than Unused. ## Example  ## Usage It's an useful utility tool to check what resources are not being used in your Xcode projects. Very easy to use: 1. Click `Browse..` to select a project folder. 2. Click `Search` to start searching. 3. Wait a second, the results will be shown in the tableview. ## Feature Check `Ignore similar name` to ignore the resources which referenced by string concatenation. For example: You import some resources like: ``` icon_tag_0.png icon_tag_1.png icon_tag_2.png icon_tag_3.png ``` And using in this way: ``` NSInteger index = random() % 4; UIImage *img = [UIImage imageNamed:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"icon_tag_%d", index]]; ``` `icon_tag_x.png` should not be shown as unused resource, we should ignore them. ## Installation * Download: [TKResourcesCleaner.app.zip](https://github.com/tinymind/TKResourcesCleaner/raw/master/Release/TKResourcesCleaner.app.zip) * Or build and run the project using XCode. ## Requirements Requires OS X 10.7 and above, ARC.