OS Watcher Black Box User's Guide

时间:2017-08-28 09:29:19
文件名称:OS Watcher Black Box User's Guide
更新时间:2017-08-28 09:29:19
OS Watcher @Please Note: OSW has been renamed to OSWbb (OSWatcher Black Box) to prevent @confusion as there are several tools now within Oracle that share this same name. OSWbb now provides an analysis tool OSWbba which analyzes the log files produced by OSWbb. This tool allows OSWbb to be self-analyzing. This tool also provides a graphing capability to graph the data and to produce a htmp profile. See the "Graphing the Output" section below. To collect database metrics in addition to OS metrics consider running LTOM. To see an example of your system profiled with LTOM click here.
