
时间:2014-12-28 17:09:41
更新时间:2014-12-28 17:09:41
sesame;RDF;Ontology;sparql Sesame is a de-facto standard framework for processing RDF data. This includes parsing, storing, inferencing and querying of/over such data. It offers an easy-to-use API that can be connected to all leading RDF storage solutions. Sesame has been designed with flexibility in mind. It can be deployed on top of a variety of storage systems (relational databases, in-memory, filesystems, keyword indexers, etc.), and offers a large scala of tools to developers to leverage the power of RDF and related standards. Sesame fully supports the SPARQL query language for expressive querying and offers transpararent access to remote RDF repositories using the exact same API as for local access. Finally, Sesame supports all main stream RDF file formats, including RDF/XML, Turtle, N-Triples, TriG and TriX.
