Small Antenna Design

时间:2013-01-22 09:39:21
文件名称:Small Antenna Design
更新时间:2013-01-22 09:39:21
Small Antenna NEC2 MATLAB Antenna performance is fundamentally a function of size measured in wavelengths at the operating frequency. “Electrically small” antennas are those that are small compared to the wavelength, not necessarily small compared to the people who use them. The wavelength at the middle of the AM broadcast band is 300 m, so a tower 30 m tall is called electrically small even though it’s 15 times the height of a tall man. Small in the antenna business can mean “electrically small,” “low profile,” or “physically small.” Historical applications have included mine communications, broadcast transmission and reception, and mobile radio communication for both military and civilian uses. Present and future applications include the historical ones plus mobile telephones and handheld combinations of telephones and wireless data links for video and computer mobile networks, and wireless data networks that include both stationary and mobile elements. Versions of these networks are being designed and deployed in the obvious area of personal communications, and areas as diverse as medical monitoring and industrial production. The performance and efficiency (battery life, for example) of any of these systems depend in a very basic way on each device’s ability to get its signal out and capture the signals from the other elements in the network. The antenna is the component that does it.


  • 非常好的资源,谢谢分享!
  • 非常好的资源。没有微带天线的部分,可惜
  • 做相关项目,大量需要此类专业资源
  • 很不错的资源,内容也很详实。
  • 好资源,很清晰。。。 .
  • A good book focus on special topics. A very special point in this book is that the editor has Matlab code to calculate the antenna. Usually antenna design is through theory analysis and simulation tool (like HFSS).
  • 好资源,很清晰。。。