The Definitive Guide to JSF in Java EE 8

时间:2021-06-26 15:26:51
文件名称:The Definitive Guide to JSF in Java EE 8
更新时间:2021-06-26 15:26:51
JSF Java In late 2016 the JSF spec leads briefly returned, but with the message that the spec must be completed in only a few weeks, so the (somewhat) lengthy finalization process could start. On March 28, 2017, JSF 2.3 was then eventually released, bringing with it the start of replacing JSF native artifacts with CDI versions, and finally something which should have happened years ago: the deprecation of the JSF managed bean facility in favor of using CDI beans. Other features are support for WebSocket using the Java EE WebSocket APIs donated by OmniFaces, the introspection of available view resources in the system, and a search expression framework donated by PrimeFaces. Following the somewhat turbulent development of the JSF 2.3 spec is the even more turbulent announcement by Oracle in 2017 that Java EE, thus including JSF, would be transferred to the Eclipse foundation. Oracle would stop leading the specs it owned before, which again includes JSF. This would mean that Mojarra would be re-licensed, and JSF would be evolved by a new process with likely different leads. At the time of writing, this transfer is in full swing.
