文件名称:基于DirectX 粒子效果源码
更新时间:2012-11-02 07:06:11
粒子 DX DirectX
基于微软DX技术的粒子效果 采用C++语言编写 部分源码如下: struct PARICAL { D3DXVECTOR3 _position; D3DCOLOR _color; }; //属性结构 struct PARICALATTRIBUTE { D3DXVECTOR3 _position; D3DXVECTOR3 _velocity; D3DXVECTOR3 _acceleration; float _lifeTime; // how long the particle lives for before dying float _age; // current age of the particle D3DXCOLOR _color; // current color of the particle bool _isAlive; }; class Parical { public: Parical(); ~Parical(); //SET! LRESULT SetParical(long num) ; //UPDATE! LRESULT Update(float time); //DRAW LRESULT Draw(); // protected: //求范围随机数 float GetRandomFloat(float low, float high); //求范围随机向量 void GetRandomVector(D3DXVECTOR3* out,D3DXVECTOR3* min,D3DXVECTOR3* max); private: LPDIRECT3DVERTEXBUFFER9 vertex; DWORD FVF; //纹理 LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 texture; //最大粒子数量 long maxnum; //死亡粒子数量 long par_dead; //链表 list < PARICALATTRIBUTE > par_list; //时间差 float timeline; };
--------3 back.bmp(768KB)
--------2 left.bmp(768KB)
--------1 front.bmp(768KB)
--------6 up.bmp(768KB)
--------5 down.bmp(768KB)
--------4 right.bmp(768KB)
--------6 up-lt180.bmp(768KB)
--------5 down-lt180.bmp(768KB)