全球森林生物量数据(FAO 2005年)

时间:2022-02-03 09:30:52

文件名称:全球森林生物量数据(FAO 2005年)



更新时间:2022-02-03 09:30:52

生态学 林学 遥感

Global Forest Biomass http://webarchive.iiasa.ac.at/Research/FOR/biomass.html This work presents a technique to downscale the aggregated results of the FRA2005 from the country level to a half degree global spatial dataset containing forest growing stock; above/belowground biomass, dead wood and total forest biomass; and above-ground, below-ground, dead wood, litter and soil carbon. The downscaling method is derived using a relationship between net primary productivity (NPP) and biomass and the relationship between human impact and biomass assuming a decrease in biomass with an increased level of human activity. The results, presented here, represent one of the first attempts to produce a consistent global spatial database at half degree resolution containing forest growing stock, biomass and carbon stock values. Kindermann, G.E., McCallum, I., Fritz, S. & Obersteiner, M. 2008. A global forest growing stock, biomass and carbon map based on FAO statistics. Silva Fennica 42(3): 387–396. # All data in ESRI ASCII grid 0.5 deg lat/lon

Global Forest Biomass (FAO 2005)
----2008 A global forest growing stock, biomass and carbon map based on FAO statistics.pdf(1.33MB)
----Read me.txt(1KB)


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