Modern Operating System

时间:2015-10-21 21:08:00
文件名称:Modern Operating System
更新时间:2015-10-21 21:08:00
OS programming MODERN OPERATING SYSTEMS THIRD EDITION The third edition of this book differs from the second edition in numerous ways. To start with, the chapters have been reordered to place the central material at the beginning. There is also now more of a focus on the operating system as the creator of abstractions. Chapter 1, which has been heavily updated, introduces all the concepts. Chapter 2 is about the abstraction of the CPU into multiple processes. Chapter 3 is about the abstraction of physical memory into address spaces (virtual memory). Chapter 4 is about the abstraction of the disk into files. Together, processes, virtual address spaces, and files are the key concepts that operating systems provide, so these chapters are now placed earlier than they previously had been. Chapter 1 has been heavily modified and updated in many places. For example, an introduction to the C programming language and the C run-time model is given for readers familiar only with Java. In Chapter 2, the discussion of threads has been revised and expanded reflecting their new importance. Among other things, there is now a section on IEEE standard Pthreads. Chapter 3, on memory management, has been reorganized to emphasize the idea that one of the key functions of an operating system is to provide the abstraction of a virtual address space for each process. Older material on memory management in batch systems has been removed, and the material on the implementation of paging has been updated to focus on the need to make it handle the larger address spaces now common and also the need for speed. Chapters 4-7 have been updated, with older material removed and some new material added. The sections on current research in these chapters have been rewritten from scratch. Many new problems and programming exercises have been added. Chapter 8 has been updated, including some material on multicore systems. A whole new section on virtualization technology, hypervisors, and virtual machines, has been added with VMware used as an example. Chapter 9 has been heavily revised and reorganized, with considerable new material on exploiting code bugs, malware, and defenses against them. Chapter 10, on Linux, is a revision of the old Chapter 10 (on UNIX and Linux). The focus is clearly on Linux now, with a great deal of new material. Chapter 11, on Windows Vista, is a major revision of the old Chap. 11 (on Windows 2000). It brings the treatment of Windows completely up to date. Chapter 12 is new. I felt that embedded operating systems, such as those found on cell phones and PDAs, are neglected in most textbooks, despite the fact that there are more of them out there than there are PCs and notebooks. This edition remedies this problem, with an extended discussion of Symbian OS, which is widely used on Smart Phones. Chapter 13, on operating system design, is largely unchanged from the second edition


  • the great book, great content and great content
  • 操作系统的经典之作
  • linux之父linus就是看的这本书的第一版! 很好!
  • 英文原版的,扫描的很清晰,给赞~
  • 这个就不用多说了,经典的、
  • 很好的书,继续出好书
  • Great book.Thanks for offer it for us.
  • 正是需要的!非常好的书!扫描的字很清楚!
  • 挺不错的。。。是扫描的。。。但是很清楚
  • 很实用的一本书,能学到不少操作系统的知识
  • 不错,翻译还可以更好些
  • 字很清楚,可是书后习题应该不是第三版的。
  • 好书,就是是双面显示的
  • 双面显示,雷人啊,这可怎么看,把分还给俺
  • 双面排版比较纠结,得多大的屏幕才看着舒服啊。建议先浏览过中文版再看这个
  • 书还是很不错的
  • 不错的资料啊
  • 经典之作,英文版的,看了之后对很多概念性的东西感觉豁然开朗,帮助很大。
  • 英文版滴 双页 还可以
  • 双面显示 看着有点儿不舒服 但是字确实很清楚
  • 这本书很不错
  • 终于找到了,面试必读的经典啊。!
  • 不错,经典书籍且有最新OS案例分析, 此为第3版, 于2007年出版