
时间:2015-04-30 02:58:53
更新时间:2015-04-30 02:58:53
DotNetOpenAuth,单点登录,ASP.NET 开源的基于.NET的单点登录组件( ) Features Compiled library that adds support for your site visitors to login with their OpenIDs by just dropping an ASP.NET control onto your page. It's that easy. An AJAX-style OpenID Selector control is also included for a slick, streamlined user experience. Give your site members their own OpenIDs with the provider support included in this library. Sample relying party and provider web sites show you just how to do it. Easy access to all the functionality so you can customize how OpenID will operate on your site, whether you use ASP.NET or not. Classic ASP support Full support for custom extensions. Plus built-in support for Simple Registration, Attribute Exchange and PAPE. Works in partial trusted shared hosting environments. Support for web farms where state persistence, front-facing web servers and ASP.NET may not be standard or even available. OpenID 2.0 and 1.x OAuth 1.0, 1.0a and 2.0 Superior support for multi-byte Unicode identifiers. Lots of security features 490+ unit tests to verify correctness. Library behind the OSIS OpenID interop testing


  • 是想要的资源,基于.net的单点登陆,使用了一下,没什么问题
  • 有用,找了好几个地方没找到
  • 基于.NET的单点登录组,收藏备用。