avs 标准文档中的源码

时间:2012-11-02 05:01:53
文件名称:avs 标准文档中的源码
更新时间:2012-11-02 05:01:53
avs 标准文档 /****************************************************************** AVS Reference Software Manual ******************************************************************/ please send comments and additions to jianwen.chen@gmail.com 1. Compilation 2. Command line parameters 3. Input/Output file format 4. Configuration files **************************************************************** 1. Compilation 1.1 Windows A workspace for MS Visual C++ is provided with the name "RM.dsw". It contains the encoder and decoder projects. And you can also use the separate project files: lencod.dsw , ldecod.dsw. 1.2 Unix Makefiles are provided in the lencod and ldecod directory. 'make' comand will creat the obj directory and generate the executable file in the 'bin' directory. ******************************************************************* 2. Command line parameters 2.1 Encoder lencod.exe [-f file] [-p parameter=value] All Parameters are initially taken from the 'file ', typically: "encoder.cfg" -f file If an -f parameter is present in the command line then the parameters will be taken from the config file See configfile.h for a list of supported ParameterNames. -p parameter=value If -p parameters are present then the ParameterValue will overide the config file's settings. There must be whitespace between -f and -p commands and their respecitive parameters. 2.2 Decoder ldecod.exe decoder.cfg The decoder configuration file name must be provided as the first parameter. All decoding parameters are read from this file. ******************************************************************* 3. Input/Output file format The codec can only support 4:2:0 format video sequences. For encoder, the input files should be the 4:2:0 data files and the output is *.avs which is the stream of AVS standard. For decoder, the input files should be the AVS standard streams and the output is the 4:2:0 video data. ******************************************************************* 4. Configuration files Sample encoder and decode configuration files are provided in the bin/ directory. These contain explanatory comments for each parameter. 4.1 Encoder = # Comments Whitespace is space and \t are the predefined names for Parameters and are case sensitive. See configfile.h for the definition of those names and their mapping to configinput->values. are either integers [0..9]* or strings. Integers must fit into the wordlengths, signed values are generally assumed. Strings containing no whitespace characters can be used directly. Strings containing whitespace characters are to be inclosed in double quotes ("string with whitespace") If the ParameterName is undefined, the program will be terminated with an error message. 4.2 Decoder #comment The values are read in a predefined order. See the example file for details.
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