
时间:2024-05-15 19:43:42




更新时间:2024-05-15 19:43:42

网络故障 路由器 配置 管理

路由器配置模式综述 User EXEC mode Privileged EXEC mode Global configuration mode Router(config)# Router> Router# Other Configuration Modes Exit Interface Subinterface Controller Map-list Map-class Line Router IPX-router Route-map Configuration Mode Router(config-if)# Router(config-subif)# Router(config-controller)# Router(config-map-list)# Router(config-map-class)# Router(config-line)# Router(config-router)# Router(config-ipx-router)# Router(config-route-map)# Prompt The command interpreter is called the EXEC. The EXEC interprets the commands you type and carries out the corresponding operations. You must log in to the router before you can enter an EXEC command. There are two EXEC modes. The EXEC commands available at the user mode are a subset of the EXEC commands available at the privileged mode. From the privileged level, you can also access global configuration mode and specific configuration modes, some of which are as follows: Interface Subinterface Controller Map-list Map-class Line Router IPX-router Route-map If you type exit, the router will back out one level, eventually allowing you to log out. In general, typing exit from one of the specific configuration modes will return you to global configuration mode. Pressing Ctrl-Z leaves configuration mode completely and returns the router to the privileged EXEC mode.
