Running MS-DOS Version 6.22, 20th Anniversary Edition

时间:2010-06-08 10:28:43

文件名称:Running MS-DOS Version 6.22, 20th Anniversary Edition



更新时间:2010-06-08 10:28:43


Running MS-DOS Version 6.22, 20th Anniversary Edition
Van Wolverton
Microsoft Press
A Division of Microsoft Corporation

One Microsoft Way ,
Washington 98052-6399
Copyright © 2003 by Van Wolverton

All rights reserved. No part of the contents of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Wolverton, Van, 1939-
Running MS-DOS / Van Wolverton.--6th Rev. ed.
p. cm.
Includes index.

ISBN 0-73561-812-7

ISBN 0-7356-1812-7 (20th Anniversary Ed.)

1. MS-DOS (Computer file) I. Title.
QA76.76.O63W65 1993

005.4'469--dc20 93-37565


Printed and bound in the United States of America.

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Distributed in Canada by H.B. Fenn and Company Ltd.

A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.

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Acquisitions Editor: Alex Blanton

Project Editor: Sandra Haynes

Body Part No. X08-92504

For Jeanne, who makes it all worthwhile


A professional writer since 1963, Van Wolverton has had bylines as a newspaper reporter, editorial writer, political columnist, and technical writer. He wrote his first computer program-one that tabulated political polls-for the Idaho State Journal in Pocatello, Idaho, in 1965. His interests in computers and writing have been intertwined ever since. As a computer professional, Wolverton has worked at IBM and Intel and has written software documentation for national software companies, including Microsoft Corporation. He is the author of Hard Disk Management and MS-DOS Commands, both Microsoft Press Quick Reference Guides, and Supercharging MS-DOS. He was also a contributor to The MS-DOS Encyclopedia. Wolverton and his wife, Jeanne, live in a twenty-first-century log cabin near Alberton, Montana.


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