ArcGIS API for Flex 3.0

时间:2015-07-17 06:36:07
文件名称:ArcGIS API for Flex 3.0
更新时间:2015-07-17 06:36:07
ArcGIS API for Flex 3.0 ======================= ArcGIS API for Flex 3.0 build date 2012-06-06 ======================= This file contains the ArcGIS Flex API Library (the swc file), skins and sample code. =============== Getting Started =============== 1. In Adobe Flash Builder, create a new Flex project (File -> New -> Flex project). 2. Copy all the contents of the ArcGIS_Flex\samples\src folder to src folder of the Flex project created above. 3. In Adobe Flash Builder, add the API Library to the project through Project -> Properties -> Flex Build Path -> Library Path -> Add SWC (and locate the "agslib-3.0-2012-06-06.swc") 4. In Adobe Flash Builder, right-click on any of the sample mxml applications and click "Set as Default Application". 5. In Adobe Flash Builder, right-click on any of the sample mxml applications and click "Run Application". ================ More Information ================ For more information go to License agreement at


  • 只是个文档 没有源码
  • 谢谢分享,分多了点哦
  • api提供的不错,挺有帮助的
  • api提供的不错,对初学者挺有帮助的
  • 版本比较低了,没用上。。
  • 就是个,官方的api包,还要这么多分,太狠了。
  • 不错,可以作为参考使用,当做字典查询
  • 正准备使用,效果带检验。
  • 很好 就是英文的 ....
  • 有源码更好哈哈
  • 就是个,官方的api包,还要这么多分,太狠了。
  • 很好 就是英文的 ....
  • 现在用的是flex4,不过和flex3差不多,还不错的
  • api提供的不错,对初学者挺有帮助的
  • api 对我来说非常之重要,给予了我非常大得主动权,而且对初学者非常有用
  • 有agslib-3.0-2012-06-06.swc
  • API非常有效,帮我很大的忙