Embedded Systems Architecture 2nd Edition

时间:2017-02-11 17:40:46
文件名称:Embedded Systems Architecture 2nd Edition
更新时间:2017-02-11 17:40:46
embedded Table of Contents Section I: Introduction to Embedded Systems Chapter 1: A Systems Engineering Approach to Embedded Systems Design Chapter 2: Know Your Standards Section II: Embedded Hardware Chapter 3: Embedded Hardware Building Blocks and the Embedded Board Chapter 4: Embedded Processors Chapter 5: Board Memory Chapter 6: Board I/O (Input/Output) Chapter 7: Board Buses Section III: Embedded Software Introduction Chapter 8: Device Drivers Chapter 9: Embedded Operating Systems Chapter 10: Middleware and Application Software Section IV: Putting It All Together: Design and Development Chapter 11: Defining the System-Creating the Architecture and Documenting the Design Chapter 12: The Final Phases of Embedded Design: Implementation and Testing Appendix A: Projects and Exercises Appendix B: Schematic Symbols Appendix C: Acronyms and Abbreviations Appendix D: Glossary


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