easy develop Carbide-IDE code

时间:2012-04-20 11:43:26
文件名称:easy develop Carbide-IDE code
更新时间:2012-04-20 11:43:26
develop Carbide-IDE code ***How to install:*** 1. Check that JRE v. 1.5 or newer is installed. 2. Install a Symbian OS C++ SDK (S60 1.2 and S60 2nd ed FP3 tested) 3. Make sure that the SDK works properly. 4. Copy the EMPc-folder to the same drive that contains Symbian-SDK. 5. Create a new environment variable for Windows called "EMPcPath" and insert the path of EMPc-folder as a value (e.g. C:\Symbian\EMPc\). 6. Compilation is automated with bat-files, that can be found from the EMPc-folder. Tweak .bat-files, so that they have correct drive letters. You can also create your own bat-files that are adjusted to your system. ***How to create an Eclipse-workspace for EMP:*** 1. Create a new workspace in Eclipse 2. Create a new simple project 3. Name your project with same name that your application will be 4. Create your applications main sourcefile (.emp) 5. Create a new External Tool - Change the name to EMP (for example) - "Location" is the correct .bat-file from EMPc-folder. - "Working directory" is $(project_loc} -variable. - "Argumets" are ${project_name} -variable and possibly the xmlfolder (if you use any other than default) Click the External tool run-button and EMP-compiler should start. (Of course with errors if you havent made any code yet) Please visit the EMP homepage at http://emplanguage.sourceforge.net/ for further information. Changes in v. No changes to the source code Other changes: New bat-file and a installation guide. Changes in v. Bug Fixes: - Using multiple arrays caused errors when compiled to emulator Changes in v. Bug fixes: - Bitmaps with upper case characters after the first character can now be used. - An error at the end of the block caused an infinite loop. - Error occured when loaded bitmaps from other folders than the application folder. - Error occured when loaded a bitmap that had been already loaded. - EMPc does not use deprecated getenv-method anymore.
