
时间:2017-01-13 00:00:17




更新时间:2017-01-13 00:00:17


One of the first books to cover jQuery Mobile to create touch-enabled interfaces for mobile devices and tablets. Provides readers with complete A-Z coverage of jQuery, from its fundamentals to the most advanced techniques. Hands-on code examples demonstrate how to create rich and fluid user experiences that have day-to-day resilience in use. jQuery 2.0 is the latest version of the jQuery framework. Suitable for modern web browsers it provides a robust API for web application development. It is fast becoming the tool of choice for web developers the world over and sets the standard for simplicity,flexibility and extensibility in website design. In Pro jQuery 2.0 seasoned author, Adam Freeman, demonstrates how to get the most from jQuery 2.0 by focussing on the practical features of the technology and how they can be applied to solving real-world problems. In this comprehensive reference he goes in depth to give you the practical knowledge that you need. Each topic is covered clearly and concisely, and is packed with the details you'll need to learn to be truly effective. The most important features are given a no-nonsense, in-depth treatment, and chapters contain examples that demonstrate both the power and the subtlety of jQuery.



  • 很详细的一本好书,谢谢分享!
  • 非常好的书,很喜欢这个作者
  • 内容很全,很不错
  • 挺好的,谢谢,
  • 作为一名已经使用了jquery很长时间的web开发者,能够通过阅读原版书籍对原来的知识梳理是一个很好的概括,比如有关事件代理机制书中就讲解的很详细,通过对书中源码的使用分析和相关文档的理解,加深了对于jquery对事件传递机制的理解,这在之前只知道会绑定事件处理函数这样的开发阶段是不能比拟的
  • 挺好的,谢谢,
  • 前端进阶必读!先留着,回头早晚啃完~
  • 适合初学者。
  • 很好的资源啊!
  • 好书,内容翔实,讲解细致,值得一读!
  • 好书,详细之至。
  • 非常好的高清英文原版书
  • 非常好,阅读原版,比翻译好多了,推荐!
  • Adam Freeman, it is a great book
  • Adam Freeman的经典书之一。像作者其它书一样容易上手。
  • 很好的资源值得推荐~~~
  • 英文版,非常清晰,代码超多
  • 非常清晰的电子书。
  • 非常不错的版本,感 谢分享
  • 挑战英语能力啊,好好学
  • 解压之后不能用,希望大家谨慎下载。
  • 很好,不错的文档
  • 非扫描,我喜欢!
  • 完整英语版,清晰PDF
  • 很好的资源值得推荐~~~