Deep web经典文献(英文+中文)

时间:2013-07-22 04:56:21
文件名称:Deep web经典文献(英文+中文)
更新时间:2013-07-22 04:56:21
deep web deepweb 文献 经典 包括 接口集成 查询处理 响应处理 英文文献较多 纯属个人整理,与大家分享
Focused Extraction of QA-Pagelets from the Deep Web.PDF
Deep Web数据集成问题研究.pdf
Google’s Deep-Web Crawl.pdf
Crawling the hidden web.pdf
Structured databases on the web Observations and Implications.PDF
Proposed Protocol to Solve Discovering Hidden Web Hosts Problem.PDF
DEByE–data extraction by example.PDF
WISE-IntegratorAn Automatic Integrator of Web Search Interfaces for E-Commerce.PDF
Automated discovery of search interfaces on the Web.pdf
NoDoSE—a tool for semi-automatically extracting structured and semistructured data from text documents.PDF
A Brief Survey of Web Data Extraction Tools .pdf
VIDE A Vision-Based Approach for Deep Web Data Extraction.pdf
The Deep Web surfacing hidden value.pdf
Extracting Structured Data for Web Pages based on visual representation.pdf
An interactive clustering-based approach to integrating source query interfaces on the deep Web.PDF
Deep Web数据集成研究综述.pdf
Probe, Cluster, Discover Focused Extraction of QA-Pagelets from the Deep Web.pdf


  • 非常经典的文章
  • 看了一下,有些文章的确不错,准备马上着手准备这方面的研究。
  • 的确非常经典!