文件名称:ATOM Mac Os 10.6.8 ~ 10.8.0
更新时间:2016-05-07 03:48:36
mach_kernel OSInstall atom
Oh hai. This is the patched Atom kernel for the Samsung NP-NC10 use with 10.6.8. Obviously. ;p - Original Kernel 10.8.0; a434022fb3893e970e175af13ad101dc MD5 - Patched Kernel 10.8.0; 9aa7919912dce37c3267801b1422ef79 MD5 To install, either copy and paste these commands into Terminal.app or if you know what you are doing. Fire away. 1. sudo -s (enter your password) 2. mv /mach_kernel /mach_kernel_old 3. mv /path/to/your/kernel /
Kernel Atom 10.8.0 xnu ~10.6.8