时间:2014-12-25 03:51:52
更新时间:2014-12-25 03:51:52
.NETZ .NETZ is a open source tool that compresses and packs the Microsoft .NET Framework executable (EXE, DLL) files in order to make them smaller. Smaller executables consume less disk space and load faster because of fewer disk accesses. Unlike other portable executable (PE) packers, .NETZ uses a pure .NET solution and it is written in C#. .NETZ can be used to pack .NET executables written in almost every .NET language. .NETZ supports both .NET EXE and non-shared DLL files, and it is intended to pack .NET desktop applications. The compressed applications can be used in the same way as the uncompressed ones, transparently to the end user. .NETZ does not pack the .NET run-time. A proper installed .NET run-time must be present in the machine where you run the packed applications. The technique that .NETZ uses is not supported by .NET Compact Framework.


  • 对我很有用
  • 好用 谢谢分享
  • 不错不错。很好用。
  • 真是好东西,360也不报病毒了
  • .NET 3.5可用,但是部分程序一加壳,马上被杀毒软件干掉了...
  • 基本实现了加壳,但加壳后运行失败,不知道咋回事