Computer Animation Algorithms and Techniques, Third Edition (PDF)

时间:2016-02-10 16:59:28
文件名称:Computer Animation Algorithms and Techniques, Third Edition (PDF)
更新时间:2016-02-10 16:59:28
math 3d graphics mathematics animation This book surveys computer algorithms and programming techniques for specifying and generating motion for graphical objects, that is, computer animation. It is primarily concerned with three-dimensional (3D) computer animation. The main audience is advanced undergraduate or beginning graduate students in Computer Science. Computer graphics programmers who want to learn the basics of computer animation programming and artists who use software packages to generate computer animation (digital animators) who want to better understand the underlying computational issues of animation software will also benefit from this book.


  • 哎呀这书是真的好呀
  • 挺好,学习学习
  • 超棒啊!有书签,而且非常清晰!
  • 学习一下!
  • 专门讲解计算机动画原理的书,很好,推荐!
  • This is useful to me
  • 挺好的,适合我的学习
  • Very useful
  • 非常有用的书!!!赞赞赞!
  • 还行,一些简单的算法都有
  • 好书,就是英文看得有点吃力
  • 非常棒的一本書,值得推薦
  • 还行,一些简单的算法都有
  • 作为参考书来看,挺好的!
  • 教授指定教材,十分有用,感谢上传还0分下载。雪中送炭呀
  • 主要讲动画的,还不错。。。
  • 实在是好极了,免费啊
  • 的确是从mobi转来的,也看到原始的mobi了,不过还是很不错啦
  • 看了目录,讲解的内容比较全,还需要仔细深入的学习。值得推荐
  • 很好的书!第三版很快就出了