AlphaControls 11.19 D5-XE10.1

时间:2019-12-04 12:19:54

文件名称:AlphaControls 11.19 D5-XE10.1



更新时间:2019-12-04 12:19:54

Alpha Controls

AlphaControls :: history 08.10.2016 AlphaControls v11.19 Stable released * ColorTone, HUEOffset and Saturation properties added in the TsPanel.SkinData * The new ShowPopupMenu property added in the TsMagnifier component * Added new KeepThumbAspectRatio property in the TsSlider component * Added the EmptyIsNull property in the TsDBMemo component * The AllowCalculator property added in the TsCurrencyEdit component * The Options.StdImgTransparency property added in the TsSkinManager component * Solved issue with mask in the TsShellListView component compiled in the Win64 mode * Solved some issues with controls placed on the TsTabControl * Solved issue with showing of TsComboBox placed on a Notebook component * Improved painting of items in the TsTreeViewEx component * Improved scaling of VCL dialogs * Fixed AV in importing of external section in the ASkinEditor tool * Copy/paste of a section style implemented in popup menu in the ASkinEditor tool * Minor improvements and bug-fixes * Published new "Material light" skin


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