Processes of the Displacement Field

时间:2017-09-20 09:52:43

文件名称:Processes of the Displacement Field



更新时间:2017-09-20 09:52:43

PS method; SB method

Using a time series method that combines both persistent scatterer and small baseline approaches, we analyzed 9 scenes Envisat ASAR data over L'Aquila earthquake and obtained this shocke’s displacement field and its evolution processes. The results show that: (ⅰ) Envisat ASAR detected clearly the whole processes of displacement field of L'Aquila earthquake, and distinct variations at different stages of displacement field: pre-seism creep displacement → displacement mutation when shocking → constantly slowing down after earthquake: (ⅱ) The area of the strongest deformation and ground rupture was a low-lying oval depression region to the southeast. Surface faulting within zone about 22×14km , with an orientation of 135˚, occurred along the NW striking and SW dipping Paganica-S. Demetrio normal fault; (ⅲ) in analyzing area about 54×59km, bounded by north-south axis to the epicenter, displacement field was a significant watershed characteristics: westward of epicenter shows uplift with maximum capacity of 130mm in line-of-sight, and east of epicenter was subsidence region with maximum 220mm in line-of-sight, concentrating on rupture zone, and its majority formed in the course of shocking and subsequence.
