经典SAP idoc教材,word版本

时间:2012-12-11 07:28:32

文件名称:经典SAP idoc教材,word版本



更新时间:2012-12-11 07:28:32

sap idoc

经典SAP idoc教材,word版本 Where Has the Money Gone? 1 1.1 Communication............................................................................................... 2 More than 80% of the time of an EDI project is lost in waiting for answers, trying to understand proposals and retrieving data nobody actually needs. 2 1.2 Psychology of Communication...................................................................... 3 Bringing developers together accelerates every project. Especially when both parties are so much dependent on each other as in an EDI project, the partners need to communicate without pause. 3 1.3 Phantom SAP Standards and a Calculation .................................................. 4 It is reported that SAP R/3 delivers standard EDI programs and that they should not be manipulated and no circumstances. Because this is not true, much project is lost in chasing the phantom. 4


  • 的确很适合初学者的资料,谢谢!
  • 英文的,还行吧
  • 真的还不错哦~适合初学者!
  • 这方便的资料好难找啊,如果给份中文的就太好了
  • E文的,有些费劲,不过还不错