HTML5 The missing manual 2nd edition

时间:2017-03-26 09:58:37

文件名称:HTML5 The missing manual 2nd edition



更新时间:2017-03-26 09:58:37


At first glance, you might assume that HTML5 is the fifth version of the HTML web page–writing language. But the real story is a whole lot messier. HTML5 is a rebel. It was dreamt up by a loose group of freethinkers who weren’t in charge of the official HTML standard. It allows page-writing practices that were banned a decade ago. It spends thousands of words painstakingly telling browser makers how to deal with markup mistakes, rather than rejecting them outright. It finally makes video playback possible without a browser plug-in like Flash. And it introduces an avalanche of JavaScript-fueled features that can give web pages some of the rich, interactive capabilities of traditional desktop software.


  • 非常不错的书,很有帮助,感谢分享
  • 作者matthew是一个大牛,他写的书风格亲切,内容丰富,信息量大,这是第二版,只是没见过第二版的中文版,期待中。
  • 500页,不算厚,名字很唬人其实内容简单,关于canvas和动画介绍的不多。
  • 看了第一版觉得还不错。谢谢分享
  • 挺好的书,感谢分享