
时间:2019-02-02 03:42:22




更新时间:2019-02-02 03:42:22

crtmpserver source code

C++ RTMP Server Instructions how to compile and use C++ RTMP Server (a.k.a crtmpserver) Requirements: * GCC and other C++ tools * SVN * libdl, libssl, libcrypto (make sure you have the "devel" packages of libdl, ssl and crypto installed prior to compiling) In order to get the source code, issue the following command: svn co --username anonymous crtmpserver When it asks for password, hit Enter key Compile the package. Do the following steps: cd crtmpserver/builders/cmake cmake . (this step will create all the Makefile's that are required. If some package is missing, the cmake will complain) make The compilation procedure should be finished within few minutes. After you compiled the package, it's time to test it. Run the following command: ./crtmpserver/crtmpserver crtmpserver/crtmpserver.lua If everything goes well, you'll get on your console a table with IP's, ports, protocols, and application names If you see this table, then crtmpserver is working. Lets test it the server. Follow these simple steps: * Download a simple FLV or MP4 file. You can dowload a sample file from here: * Place the file you downloaded into the crtmpserver/media folder * Download an FLV player. For this example, we'll use JW Player. Get it here: * Extract the JW Player to a directory which is accessible through your web server * Go to the extracted directory and create an HTML file which will include the player and play the file. Here's an example:

This text will be replaced
* Change the to either the IP of your crtmpserver or simply use a hostname of your machine * Replace file-download with the actual filename of your sample you download. Remeber to omit the .flv if it's an FLV file * Open a web browser and point it to to the web server IP/Hostname and the directory you installed the player (example: * You should see a player. Click the play button and the video should be played. If you see the video, then everything works well. Installing crtmpserver: * Go to the directory crtmpserver/cmake * Run the following command: cmake -DCRTMPSERVER_INSTALL_PREFIX= (for example /usr/local/crtmpserver) * After previous command done start build project with command: make * After build comlete run command: make install * After install you has installed crtmpserver in (in our case /usr/local/crtmpserver) * Now you can start crtmpserver with command: sudo /sbin/crtmpserver --uid= /etc/crtmpserver.lua in our case: sudo /usr/local/crtmpserver/sbin/crtmpserver --uid= /usr/local/crtmpserver/etc/crtmpserver.lua Also look into builders/packing directory. There are several OS specific builders. * in directory "debian" builder for Debian, also can be used for Ubuntu and other distributions based on debian * in directory "freebsd" builder(port) for FreeBSD crtmpserver settings * All crtmpserver settings are located in a detailed file calle: crtmpserver.lua


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