Functional Programming in C#.pdf

时间:2015-07-01 18:36:32
文件名称:Functional Programming in C#.pdf
更新时间:2015-07-01 18:36:32
函数式编程 C#函数式编程 C#函数式 Take advantage of the growing trend in functional programming. C# is the number-one language used by .NET developers and one of the most popular programming languages in the world. It has many built-in functional programming features, but most are complex and little understood. With the shift to functional programming increasing at a rapid pace, you need to know how to leverage your existing skills to take advantage of this trend. Functional Programming in C# leads you along a path that begins with the historic value of functional ideas. Inside, C# MVP and functional programming expert Oliver Sturm explains the details of relevant language features in C# and describes theory and practice of using functional techniques in C#, including currying, partial application, composition, memoization, and monads. Next, he provides practical and versatile examples, which combine approaches to solve problems in several different areas, including complex scenarios like concurrency and high-performance calculation frameworks as well as simpler use cases like Web Services and business logic implementation. Shows how C# developers can leverage their existing skills to take advantage of functional programming Uses very little math theory and instead focuses on providing solutions to real development problems with functional programming methods, unlike traditional functional programming titles Includes examples ranging from simple cases to more complex scenarios Let Functional Programming in C# show you how to get in front of the shift toward functional programming.


  • 原版的书,全英文,扫描很清晰,内容还没有看完。不过应该会有收获的。
  • 入门的书,还不错 !
  • 名字很吸引人,可是内容一般。
  • 本书点到即止。需要深入研究的话,还需要参考其他书籍
  • 单单看书的标题,以为是一本介绍C#在面向过程编程方面一些老掉牙的概念的书。细看之后,才发现它包括了很多高级的话题,从最基础的委托,Lambda表达式,范型,到Lazy Listing, MapReduce pattern, Functional Modularization,Monads,NUnit等等。 非常值得一看。 不过290页的书,包含了这么多话题,可以想象,大部分内容都只会一笔带过,点到即止。需要深入研究其中提及的任何一话题的话,还需要参考其他书籍。