Android代码-目前最漂亮的一个 Dribbble 客户端,不能更好看!

时间:2022-08-26 00:58:10
文件名称:Android代码-目前最漂亮的一个 Dribbble 客户端,不能更好看!
更新时间:2022-08-26 00:58:10
Android代码 Protein Protein is an atypical Dribbble App designed with one cup of simplicity and two spoons of fun. It is fully open sourced but also published on Google Play. You can discuss how-tos and best practices on creating an Android App around Protein. Attention Due to the breaking change of Dribbble API v1, I need to migrate to API v2. Unfortunately, most of the current features are't supported by API v2. So, in the following months, I'll: Try to recover some basic features Implement a redesign
