Android in Action

时间:2014-03-08 09:02:39
文件名称:Android in Action
更新时间:2014-03-08 09:02:39
Android Paperback: 592 pages Publisher: Manning Publications; Second Edition edition (January 28, 2011) Part 1 What is Android? — The Big Picture 1 Targeting Android 1.1 Introducing Android 1.2 Stacking up Android 1.3 Booting Android development 1.4 An Android application 1.5 Summary 2 Development environment 2.1 The Android SDK 2.2 Fitting the pieces together 2.3 Building an Android application in Eclipse 2.4 The Android Emulator 2.5 Debugging 2.6 Summary Part 2 Exercising the Android SDK 3 User interfaces 3.1 Creating the Activity 3.2 Working with views 3.3 Using resources 3.4 Understanding the AndroidManifest file 3.5 Summary 4 Intents and services 4.1 Working with Intent classes 4.2 Listening in with broadcast receivers 4.3 Building a Service 4.4 Performing Inter-Process Communication 4.5 Summary 5 Storing and retrieving data 5.1 Using preferences 5.2 Using the filesystem 5.3 Persisting data to a database 5.4 Working with ContentProvider classes 5.5 Summary 6 Networking and web services 6.1 An overview of networking 6.2 Checking the network status 6.3 Communicating with a server socket 6.4 Working with HTTP 6.5 Web services 6.6 Summary 7 Telephony 7.1 Telephony background and terms 7.2 Accessing telephony information 7.3 Interacting with the phone 7.4 Working with messaging: SMS 7.5 Summary 8 Notifications and alarms 8.1 Introducing Toast 8.2 Introducing notifications 8.3 Alarms 8.4 Summary 9 Graphics and animation 9.1 Drawing graphics in Android 9.2 Animations 9.3 Summary 10 Multimedia 10.1 Introduction to multimedia and OpenCORE 10.2 Playing audio 10.3 Playing video 10.4 Capturing media 10.5 Summary 11 Location, location, location 11.1 Simulating your location within the emulator 11.2 Using LocationManager and LocationProvider 11.3 Working with maps 11.4 Converting places and addresses with Geocoder 11.5 Summary Part 3 Android applications 12 Putting it all together–the Field Service Application 12.1 Field Service Application requirements 12.2 Android application tour 12.3 Android code 12.4 Digging deeper into the code 12.5 Server code 12.6 Summary 13 Hacking Android 13.1 The Android/Linux:junction 13.2 A better way 13.3 What time is it? 13.4 Daytime Client 13.5 Summary


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  • 非常感谢,一直在收集action系列的书籍
  • 正品英文版。非常有用。感谢楼主的分享。
  • 第二版、清析、英文,谢谢分享
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  • 这个是第二版~~很清晰,很好啊!
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  • 不错啊 还是英文原版,感谢作者
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  • 还不错,英文原版。。
  • 挺好用的 毕业设计就靠翻译的这个文章
  • 书是英文的,国内也没有出版社翻译。pdf的质量很好,有书签,估计是原版的PDF,不是影印版的。