Getway Raid Recovery 陈新汉化版

时间:2014-03-20 04:55:55
文件名称:Getway Raid Recovery 陈新汉化版
更新时间:2014-03-20 04:55:55
raid raid恢复软件 Getway Raid Recovery 2.0 Thank you for using Getway Raid Recovery 2.0! Content ================================ 1. Introduction 2. Feature 3. Registration 4. System Requirement 5. Contact *********************************************************************** 1. Introduction Getway Raid Recovery Software can help you recover data due to the following possible data loss situations: File Deletion; Accidental Array Format; MBR damage/ loss/ excursion; DBR damage; One or two RAID hard disk damage, etc. Getway Raid Recovery Software support "Smart Mode", "Manual Mode" and " User-defined Mode" working modes. 2. Feature * Smart Mode: Smart Mode can help user recovery the RAID easily, quickly and conveniently, even though the user doesn’t have the technical knowledge on RAID recovery. User doesn’t need to know the RAID Parameters, such as Stripe Size, Drive Offset, Direction of Rotation, Drive Order, etc. Getway RAID Recovery will help you analyze the drives and work out all details of the parameters. * Manual Mode: Select the "Manual Mode", you should know all details of the RAID, and also you should correctly set up all the parameters, such as Stripe Size; Drive Order; Drive Offset; RAID Type, etc. In general, we just recommend the "Manual Mode" to the professional user, and also we don’t suggest user directly use the "Manual Mode". We suggest user use the "Manual Mode" to analysis the RAID when he can’t get the data by the "Smart Mode", or the RAID type is special, or encounter the file system which can’t be supported by the system. * User-defined Mode: "User-defined Mode" is the powerful complementarity to the RAID Type which can’t be supported by the system. User can set up the RAID Type, the serial number on every strip, thus it can increase the flexibility of the system. * Files View: User can directly view the partition data by the "Files View". User can intuitionistic know the Smart Mode result /manual set parameters is right or not. If the result/ parameters is right, user can create the image. * Read-only: It ensures the 100% intactness of the data on your RAID when doing RAID recovery. It will not try to "fix" your RAID. It just create a copy of your RAID. * Guide Operation: Easy, quick and smart operation; 3. Registration Register online on our website and get the registration key immediately. 4. System Requirement * Pentium processor * 32-128MB RAM * Windows95/98/ME, Windows NT, 2000, XP, Vista * One problem-free hard disk to boot from * Disk controller card capable of handling all the drives in your RAID individually * Storage space for holding the reconstructed RAID 5. Contact Information Website: Sales: Support: ===================================================== Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Getway Recovery Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Getway Raid Recovery 陈新汉化版
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  • 这个软件实话实说真的不怎么样!一次没有成功过!组过好几次RAID模型校果不太好!
  • 很实用的软件
  • 谢谢分享!! 最近正想测试一下
  • 这个我用过,不错,恢复出来数据都能用
  • 不错的软件
  • 虽然没有恢复成功 试试还是可以的
  • 这个软件是不错的,顺利的对RAID5的各项参数自动进行了分析,并重组成功,可以看到分区和文件目录,但由于不是注册版,所以不能恢复。
  • 看起来挺不错的,但是我没有一次成功过,不知道是什么情况。
  • 这个软件实话实说真的不怎么样!一次没有成功过!组过好几次RAID模型校果不太好!
  • 这个软件不错,但是数据还是没找回来。
  • 这个软件不错。。至于楼上的朋友,这个软件主要用来重组RAID,硬盘坏了就无能为力了~得用硬件工具提取数据
  • 这个不错啊 不过数据没恢复回来 硬盘坏了