
时间:2023-07-07 05:01:27
更新时间:2023-07-07 05:01:27
毕设数据处理源代码 The three datasets contain the performance metrics of 520, 527 and 547 VMs from a distributed datacenter of Materna. Materna is a full service provider in the premium segment and has been successfully implementing ITC projects for their customers for more than 35 years. Thier client list reads like the “Who’s Who” of German companies and public sector organisations. Throughout Europe there are around 1,700 employees working for Materna, including highly specialized and certified consultants, software developers, software architects and project managers as well as editors and marketing experts - all with well-proven project experience. Materna covers the complete spectrum of services you would expect from a full service provider: from strategy and consulting services through to implementation and operations. The range of services is organised in six Business Lines: IT Factory, Digital Enterprise, Government and Communications, as well as cbs, a SAP business consultancy company. Each file of teh three datasets contains the performance metrics of a specific VM. These files are organized according by traces: Materna-trace-1, Materna-trace-2 and Materna-trace-3. The first trace consists of 520 VMs, the second trace consits of 527 VMs and the third trace consits of 547 VMs. The traces were taken in the distributed Materna Data Centers in Dortmund over a timespan of three months. Each trace represents one month of data. Running VMs in the traces are mostly the same in all three datasets. The workloads in the traced VMs are highly critical business applications of internatinaly known companies. All datasets contain a special text-file listing relevant trace-metrics. The traces were taken on a VMware ESX environment using the following physikal resources:
