Hacking and Securing iOS Applications

时间:2022-09-08 10:19:17
文件名称:Hacking and Securing iOS Applications
更新时间:2022-09-08 10:19:17
security hacking jailbreak Chapter 1. Everything You Know Is Wrong Part I: Hacking Chapter 2. The Basics of Compromising iOS Chapter 3. Stealing the Filesystem Chapter 4. Forensic Trace and Data Leakage Chapter 5. Defeating Encryption Chapter 6. Unobliterating Files Chapter 7. Manipulating the Runtime Chapter 8. Abusing the Runtime Library Chapter 9. Hijacking Traffic Part II: Securing Chapter 10. Implementing Encryption Chapter 11. Counter Forensics Chapter 12. Securing the Runtime Chapter 13. Jailbreak Detection Chapter 14. Next Steps
