ICSE 2011-International Conference on Software Engineering

时间:2014-11-09 04:45:29

文件名称:ICSE 2011-International Conference on Software Engineering



更新时间:2014-11-09 04:45:29

软件工程 ICSE ACM 2011 国际软件工程大会

(我现在主要在CSDN上整理计算机安全、软件工程(可信软件)、系统及通信方面的论文及相关理论书籍,如果对这方面内容感兴趣,可以访问:http://qysh123.download.csdn.net/ 查看我上传的所有资料。内容比较多,需要大家人工手动查找。另外,资料顺序并不按照时间排列,只是想起来了就上传。请大家见谅。) 软件工程研究领域的*国际会议,International Conference on Software Engineering 2011年的论文合集,只收录了正式的Regular Research Paper,共计82篇。值得一提的是,本次ICSE在夏威夷召开,所以session的名字中总包含有冲浪、漂流等词语。本次大会仍然是众星云集,像周媛媛(http://opera.ucsd.edu/index.html),Michael Ernst (http://www.cs.washington.edu/homes/mernst/),Daniel Jackson(http://people.csail.mit.edu/dnj/),Shay Artzi (http://people.csail.mit.edu/artzi/)等人,依然是ICSE上的活跃人物。

ICSE 2011-International Conference on Software Engineering
----Industry software architecture()
--------A method for selecting SOA pilot projects including a pilot metrics framework.pdf(336KB)
--------Bringing domain-specific languages to digital forensics.pdf(290KB)
--------Architecture evaluation without an architecture _ experience with the smart grid.pdf(168KB)
----Tools and environments()
--------Enabling the runtime assertion checking of concurrent contracts for the Java modeling language.pdf(472KB)
--------An industrial case study on quality impact prediction for evolving service-oriented software.pdf(1.74MB)
--------A comparison of model-based and judgment-based release planning in incremental software projects.pdf(985KB)
----Empirical luau I()
--------Factors leading to integration failures in global feature-oriented development _ an empirical analysis.pdf(408KB)
--------An empirical investigation into the role of API-level refactorings during software evolution.pdf(1.5MB)
--------Assessing programming language impact on development and maintenance _ a study on c and c++.pdf(1.87MB)
--------Exciting new trends in design thinking.pdf(108KB)
--------Interactivity, continuity, sketching, and experience _ (keynote abstract).pdf(109KB)
----Web surfing()
--------Automated cross-browser compatibility testing.pdf(702KB)
--------A framework for automated testing of javascript web applications.pdf(2.26MB)
--------Coalescing executions for fast uncertainty analysis.pdf(1.05MB)
----Debugging the surf()
--------Angelic debugging.pdf(326KB)
--------An empirical study of build maintenance effort.pdf(670KB)
--------Static extraction of program configuration options.pdf(571KB)
----Empirical software engineering()
--------SORASCS _ a case study in soa-based platform design for socio-cultural analysis.pdf(2.17MB)
--------A case study of measuring process risk for early insights into software safety.pdf(778KB)
--------Model-driven engineering practices in industry.pdf(288KB)
----Far-out surfware engineering()
--------On-demand feature recommendations derived from mining public product descriptions.pdf(1.07MB)
--------Inferring better contracts.pdf(1.76MB)
----Outrigger models and clones()
--------Frequency and risks of changes to clones.pdf(364KB)
--------Model projection _ simplifying models in response to restricting the environment.pdf(435KB)
--------MeCC _ memory comparison-based clone detector.pdf(497KB)
----Riding the design wave II()
--------Feature cohesion in software product lines _ an exploratory study.pdf(634KB)
--------Detecting software modularity violations.pdf(570KB)
--------Leveraging software architectures to guide and verify the development of sense-compute-control applications.pdf(534KB)
----Riding the design wave I()
--------Synthesis of live behaviour models for fallible domains.pdf(414KB)
--------LIME _ a framework for debugging load imbalance in multi-threaded execution.pdf(619KB)
--------Coverage guided systematic concurrency testing.pdf(448KB)
----Comprehending the drift II()
--------Aspect recommendation for evolving software.pdf(430KB)
--------Identifying program, test, and environmental changes that affect behaviour.pdf(1.17MB)
--------Non-essential changes in version histories.pdf(272KB)
----Software testing and analysis()
--------Value-based program characterization and its application to software plagiarism detection.pdf(692KB)
--------Practical change impact analysis based on static program slicing for industrial software systems.pdf(741KB)
--------Code coverage analysis in practice for large systems.pdf(855KB)
----Program surfing II()
--------Always-available static and dynamic feedback.pdf(218KB)
--------Unifying execution of imperative and declarative code.pdf(473KB)
--------Interface decomposition for service compositions.pdf(906KB)
----Software engineering at large()
--------Experiences with text mining large collections of unstructured systems development artifacts at jpl.pdf(320KB)
--------Building and using pluggable type-checkers.pdf(225KB)
--------Deploying CogTool _ integrating quantitative usability assessment into real-world software development.pdf(3.2MB)
----Testing the waters II()
--------Program abstractions for behaviour validation.pdf(559KB)
--------Programs, tests, and oracles _ the foundations of testing revisited.pdf(605KB)
--------RACEZ _ a lightweight and non-invasive race detection tool for production applications.pdf(743KB)
----Testing the waters I()
--------Camouflage _ automated anonymization of field data.pdf(813KB)
--------aComment _ mining annotations from comments and code to detect interrupt related concurrency bugs.pdf(361KB)
--------A practical guide for using statistical tests to assess randomized algorithms in software engineering.pdf(322KB)
----Comprehending the drift I()
--------Automatically detecting and describing high level actions within methods.pdf(778KB)
--------Portfolio _ finding relevant functions and their usage.pdf(436KB)
--------Mining message sequence graphs.pdf(1.27MB)
----Refactoring your Lei I()
--------Refactoring pipe-like mashups for end-user programmers.pdf(761KB)
--------Transformation for class immutability.pdf(427KB)
--------Refactoring Java programs for flexible locking.pdf(263KB)
----Developer waves()
--------Socio-technical developer networks _ should we trust our measurements.pdf(1.17MB)
--------Does the initial environment impact the future of developers.pdf(374KB)
--------Configuring global software teams _ a multi-company analysis of project productivity, quality, and profits.pdf(838KB)
----Surfing the dependability wave()
--------The impact of fault models on software robustness evaluations.pdf(567KB)
--------A lightweight code analysis and its role in evaluation of a dependability case.pdf(522KB)
--------Towards quantitative software reliability assessment in incremental development processes.pdf(739KB)
----Testing the waters III()
--------Precise identification of problems for structural test generation.pdf(444KB)
--------Mining parametric specifications.pdf(1.68MB)
--------Estimating footprints of model operations.pdf(597KB)
----Software metrics()
--------Characterizing the differences between pre- and post- release versions of software.pdf(1.06MB)
--------Why software quality improvement fails _ and how to succeed nevertheless.pdf(298KB)
--------An evaluation of the internal quality of business applications _ does size matter.pdf(457KB)
----Empirical luau II()
--------Ownership, experience and defects _ a fine-grained study of authorship.pdf(498KB)
--------Dealing with noise in defect prediction.pdf(689KB)
--------Empirical assessment of MDE in industry.pdf(320KB)
----Surfer model checking()
--------Symbolic model checking of software product lines.pdf(678KB)
--------Run-time efficient probabilistic model checking.pdf(1.09MB)
--------Verifying multi-threaded software using smt-based context-bounded model checking.pdf(472KB)
----Refactoring your lei II()
--------Reverse engineering feature models.pdf(521KB)
--------Supporting professional spreadsheet users by generating leveled dataflow diagrams.pdf(476KB)
--------Refactoring to role objects.pdf(401KB)
----Comprehending the drift III()
--------Improving requirements quality using essential use case interaction patterns.pdf(2.12MB)
--------Understanding broadcast based peer review on open source software projects.pdf(577KB)
--------Software systems as cities _ a controlled experiment.pdf(1.16MB)
----Program surfing I()
--------Patching vulnerabilities with sanitization synthesis.pdf(998KB)
--------Taming reflection _ Aiding static analysis in the presence of reflection and custom class loaders.pdf(337KB)
--------Inference of field initialization.pdf(328KB)


  • 非常好 内容很全。
  • 之前下载了一个,不全,我要的东西都没有。这个57M多的才是比较全的,太感谢了!!!
  • 不知道为什么,总是下载不下来,刚看看了12年的,非常好
  • 很强大。。。很全面,各种方面的ICSE论文都有
  • 软件工程研究领域顶尖论文
  • 不错,挺全
  • 很强大。。。很全面,各种方面的ICSE论文都有
  • 很强大。。。很全面,各种方面的ICSE论文都有
  • 非常好 内容很全。
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  • 整理得非常清楚
  • 不错 挺全的
  • 还行吧,就是不知道全不全