ITU-R BT.656

时间:2012-02-02 12:28:03
文件名称:ITU-R BT.656
更新时间:2012-02-02 12:28:03
CCIR ITU-R BT.656 BT.656 defined the parallel and serial interfaces for transmitting 4:2:2 YCbCr digital video between equipment in studio and pro-video applications. Active video resolutions are either 720 x 486 (525/60 video systems) or 720 x 576 (625/50 video systems). The BT.656 parallel interface uses 8 or 10 bits of multiplexed YCbCr data and a 27MHz clock (ECL levels are used for the data and clock signals). Instead of the conventional video timing signals (HSYNC, VSYNC, and BLANK) also being transmitted, BT.656 uses unique timing codes embedded within the video stream. This reduces the number of wires (and IC pins) required for a BT.656 video interface.
ITU-R BT.656
----The digital Video Standard according to ITU-R BT. 601656.pdf(801KB)


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