mastering android development kotlin

时间:2022-03-12 05:21:12
文件名称:mastering android development kotlin
更新时间:2022-03-12 05:21:12
android kotlin This book has been a long and fun journey that I would not have manage to accomplish without help. So I think it's only polite to give gratitude. First of all, I would like to thank my girlfriend and personal assistant, Maja. She was the one who supported me and helped me while writing my first book Fundamental Kotlin and continued to do so with this one. She improved this book greatly by helping me write coherent text that is understandable even for those who are not experienced in programming. Next I would like to thank my editor at Packt Akshada. She was the best editor I could ask for and she helped me immensely with excellent advices and endless patience. The whole team at Packt that stands behind was book was incredibly supportive and helpful. Big thanks also to my friends who tolerated me and constantly filled me up with large amounts of coffee. Especially to my friend Vanja Petkovic. He was the technical editor for this book and it wouldn't be the same without him. And last but not least I would like to thank to my family for supporting me in my dream of becoming software engineer. They were with me and they were patient during all my phases! But, the most important of all, they believed in me! None of this would be possible if there weren't people who read my first book. I am forever grateful for their support. See you in my next book!
