文件名称:ff006-原版FatFs/Tiny-FatFs Module Source Files
更新时间:2012-10-27 13:53:42
FatFs/Tiny-FatFs Module Source Files R0.06 (C)ChaN, 2008 FILES ff.h Common include file for FatFs and application module. ff.c FatFs module. tff.h Common include file for Tiny-FatFs and application module. tff.c Tiny-FatFs module. diskio.h Common include file for (Tiny-)FatFs and disk I/O module. diskio.c Skeleton of low level disk I/O module. integer.h Alternative type definitions for integer variables. Low level disk I/O module is not included in this archive because the FatFs/Tiny-FatFs module is only a generic file system layer and not depend on any specific storage device. You have to provide a low level disk I/O module that written to control your storage device.